Project Portfolio Management (PPM) Get visibility into all work—traditional, agile, and hybrid. Balance capacity against demand and optimize your portfolios to achieve business value. View Data Sheet
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Benefits of Project Portfolio Management Manage outcomes to create value Align your portfolio strategy, investments, and team structures to meet your business goals. Embrace uncertainty with flexible planning Keep up with change—adapt plans, refocus teams to meet expectations, and continuously prioritize. Deliver faster by scaling work Implement in weeks rather than months and enjoy seamless upgrades that allow for faster innovation. Manage hybrid ways of working Get flexibility to manage both traditional and agile methods of working for greater visibility.
Features of Project Portfolio Management Roadmap planning Master top-down planning to align your teams and investments with business goals. Project workspace Provide a modern and intuitive UI to define, plan, and manage team work. Innovation management Encourage your teams to collaborate, develop concepts, and turn ideas into demands. Investment funding Create top‑down funding allocation from strategic objectives, portfolios, and business services.
Additional features Scenario planning Compare multiple scenarios using what-if analysis to align investments with your business strategy. Demand management Centralize strategic requests and consolidate the investment process for new products and services. Project portfolio Organize projects, programs, and portfolios—collaborate, report, and track to plan better. Resource management Manage resource availability, allocations, assignments, and actuals across all work. Portfolio workbench View demands, projects, resources, and costs. Plan and track portfolio progress—all in one place. Performance analytics and dashboards Track, aggregate, and visualize key performance indicators and trends with real-time reporting. Mobile solutions Manage your team's work and access project status, time sheets, and agile development on your device. Agile development Use ServiceNow® Agile Development to power scrum, agile teams, and hybrid development methods.
How to get Project Portfolio Management Project Portfolio Management is available with Strategic Portfolio Management. Align your entire organization to deliver the outcomes that matter. Get Product Info View Demo
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